
[GROUP COURSE] Brush, Chalk & Charcoal: Framing Your World

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[GROUP COURSE] Brush, Chalk & Charcoal: Framing Your World


Do your students struggle with getting what they see in the real world to show up right on their paper? Brush, Chalk & Charcoal: Framing Your World can help! This *intermediate-level group video course has 33 high-quality real-time video lessons that will heighten students' visual perception, help them develop their watercolor techniques, and teaches a range of new media to use for drawing!

** NOTE: This group course is for students from multiple households going through the material together. This allows co-ops and informal (non-legal-entity) educational groups to use this material together. See Group Course License FAQs below.

This course will help your group:

  • Cement important perceptual skills with a whole range of drawing media
  • Explore many techniques of drawing
  • Become more confident in your abilities, and
  • Learn to enjoy and play with the sketching process even more!

Students will use:

  • Watercolor
  • Pigment Liner
  • Charcoal
  • Color Sticks
  • Different Toned Papers
  • Calligraphy Brushes
  • Conté Crayon & Oil Pastel
  • Colored Pencils
  • And a Picture Plane!

These instructional videos show detailed and clear instructions paired with a syllabus, lesson plan, extra drawing prompt ideas, and a scope & sequence to make your group's term of drawing coursework as simple as setting up and clicking ‘play’.

Students will grow in visual perception by practicing:

  • Observational Drawing
  • Memory Drawing
  • Imaginative Drawing
  • Muscle Memory Practice
  • Foreshortening With a Picture Plane
  • Blind Contour Drawing
  • Drawing Negative Spaces
  • Drawing With Values
  • Discerning Colors & Mixing Them, &
  • Compositional Practice

Course Sample Video:

Supply List (with clickable links):

Course Supply List

* This course is the intermediate course that follows my beginner video course, Brush, Chalk & Charcoal: Foundations in Drawing. Visit bestowingthebrush.com to find out more.

** Group License FAQ:

Who can use this “Group Course” license?

Any informal group such as a co-op or other small group learning community that is not an official non-profit or business-organized education group. The only requirement is that two or more families worth of students are gathering in one place for learning, and the instruction is not done for profit or under a legally organized entity.

How many families can use a single “Group Course” license?

There really isn’t a limit on how many families can be involved. All I ask is that this license be used for informal groups that actively meet together for learning. This license is not meant to be a “group buy” where several families go in on it with the intention of using it separately in each’s schooling. Separate families must purchase single copies of the course.

All members within said group are able to duplicate and use the videos and PDFs outside of formal meet-ups to aid in comprehension. However, the primary teaching of the course under this license should happen in a group setting.

Can schools and conferences use this “Group Course” license?

Schools, businesses, organized non-profits, and conferences are not covered by the scope of this license. If you are one of these and want to use the course, I will talk with you individually to determine the best and most cost-effective way to license the course for your needs. Contact me at bestowingthebrush@gmail.com for more information.

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GROUP COURSE: 33 high-quality instructional videos that teach your students how to draw.

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