Brush, Chalk & Charcoal BUNDLE: Foundations & Framing
This course combines Brush, Chalk & Charcoal: Foundations in Drawing with Brush, Chalk & Charcoal: Framing Your World.
You will learn the foundational mindset for all drawing, be helped to truly see, and you’ll become effective with a variety of different drawing tools. This means you get that go over: watercolor, chalk, charcoal, color sticks, toned papers, calligraphy brushes, conté crayon, oil pastel, pigment liner, and colored pencils. Plus, you'll get to learn how to use a Picture Plane!
You will:
- Develop technical skill
- Cement important perceptual skills
- Play with more modes of drawing, and
- Become more confident in your abilities!
These high-quality instructional videos show you detailed and clear instructions paired with a syllabus, lesson plan, scope & sequence and extra drawing prompt ideas to make your year of drawing coursework as simple as setting up and clicking ‘play’.
You will practice:
- Observational Drawing
- Memory Drawing
- Imaginative Drawing
- Muscle Memory Practice
- Foreshortening With a Picture Plane
- Blind Contour Drawing
- Drawing Negative Spaces
- Drawing With Values
- Discerning Colors & Mixing Them
- Composing Scenes
66 in-depth instructional drawing videos that cover brush drawing & a variety of other art media. This course also teaches many methods of drawing.